leases & Tenancy Agreements

We will provide you with helpful and independent advice in relation to buying a home or investing in a second property. We are well aware that this can be a very stressful time and are committed to providing as much assistance as possible as well as keeping you up-to-date with the progress of your purchase. We will deal with the bank on your behalf and ensure you are well aware of what is required to successfully complete your sale or purchase. For first-time buyers we will explain the procedure to you, help you figure out all your obligations (whether
it is getting the snag list done or what the previous owners are leaving in the house!) and answer all you questions. Please feel free to contact us and discuss what is involved.

We can assist the sale of your property with helpful and independent advice. We are committed to providing the best service possible as well as keeping you up-to-date with the progress of your sale. We will make sure all of your requirements for the sale are met, deal with the bank (if required) and ensure you are well aware of what is required to successfully complete your sale . Please feel free to contact us and discuss what is involved.

Let’s Work Together

Bass Solicitors prides itself on providing practical and affordable advice, which supports an approachable and dedicated legal service.