
In contentious business, such as personal injury claims, a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement and it is not our practice to do so.

If you have an accident or suffer an injury, whether it involves a motor vehicle or not, there are a range of new regulations involving the Personal Injury Assessment Board which you should be aware of. We can assist you in preparing a claim to go before the Personal Injuries Assessment Board and if needs be take the matter further and bring a claim to the courts. Suffering a personal injury or accident does not mean that the matter has to end up in court and we are aware that often the best result for you will be to resolve the claim by way of settlement or negotiation rather than have it drag out for years waiting for a result.

Let’s Work Together

Bass Solicitors prides itself on providing practical and affordable advice, which supports an approachable and dedicated legal service.